Communication during a Murder Game

Communicatie tijdens een moordspel

The new Netflix series Unbelievable vividly illustrates the importance of communication during a murder investigation. Besides the fact that the series initially revolves around the first victim not believed by the detectives, the communication between two police districts is crucial in identifying the perpetrator of multiple sexual offenses.

Thanks to the sharp attentiveness of the detectives, they find the connection and manage to unmask the perpetrator. Similarly, during a murder game by Inspective, it's essential for detectives to communicate with each other. When a detective discovers a clue while examining the evidence in one police file and shares this information with others promptly, it can expedite the identification of the perpetrator. It's very possible that another detective may discover similar evidence in a different file.

A murder game by Inspective begins with multiple unsolved murder cases that can be linked through the discovery of new evidence. These murder cases remain unsolved because the police couldn't identify any suspects. By collectively examining all unsolved files, the various puzzle pieces can be pieced together, leading to the identification of the perpetrator.

Are you also interested in solving a cold case? Take a look at our murder cases.