Scientifically, 'CSI' sometimes misses the mark. In reality, it is not possible to determine the time of death based on a time frame of just two hours. Also, scanning a fingerprint and receiving the suspect's photo shortly afterward is not possible. Fingerprint comparison software provides several potential matches that an expert then visually analyzes to determine a final match.

A forensic investigator examines a crime scene

Other areas where Hollywood gets it wrong include the investigative process. Crime scene investigators almost always get a search warrant before they can search a location. Virtually the only location that doesn't require a warrant is an apartment owned by the victim. But only if the victim lived there alone and never shared the space with anyone else at any time. So, it's very unlikely for forensic investigators to arrive at a location and just start searching. What usually happens is that forensic investigators arrive and determine which areas need to be searched. Then, search warrants are required to search these areas.

The search also involves only the evidence, not the victim's neighbors. Forensic investigators do not talk to witnesses or suspects. They don't interview people on the spot, interrogate anyone, and certainly do not prosecute the offender. These are all tasks of the detectives on the case. It's also rare for a forensic investigator to handle a complete investigation from start to finish, even if we're only talking about the evidence. Many people are involved in collecting and analyzing evidence, including forensic investigators, medical examiners, and detectives. A forensic investigator doesn't have the time or expertise to do it all.

Evidence at a crime scene

Shows like 'CSI' don't make criminals smarter. The truth is that crime scene investigation and forensic science always try to catch up with criminals, not the other way around. And while there are certainly people who meticulously plan and get away with a crime, the experience of forensic investigators with crime scenes tells a different story: in most violent crimes committed, the perpetrator is in an agitated state, possibly under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and doesn't have the presence of mind to cover their tracks accurately. It's a rare criminal genius who studies forensic science to commit the perfect murder and get away with it.

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